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Mar. 14–16 2023UIT - The Arctic University of Norway, TROMSØ

Discover and transform. BIOPROSP is the international biennial scientific conference on marine biotechnology. We aim to translate basic research into applied research with industrial application.

For whom?

BIOPROSP is an exciting and rewarding conference for researchers and representatives from both research institutions and enterprises.

Scientific Posters

BIOPROSP is an arena for novel research. At the poster exhibition you can meet both the new and the more experienced researchers.

Group discount
Sign up 3 colleges or more to get the limited group discount with 20% off.

Discover. Learn. Transform.

BIOPROSP_23 is the 11th biennial, international, scientific conference within applied research within marine biotechnology and bioprospecting.

BIOPROSP is organized by a partnership of both Norwegian and international stakeholders.

See logos below for organizer network.

We are proud of this years program!  Read more.

See our confirmed speakers.


Oceans cover 71% of the planet's surface and offer human necessities such as food and energy. More than 90% of the marine biodiversity remains unexplored.

This offers a huge potential for applications in a wide range of products such as drugs, ingredients, supplements, bioprocessing, energy, green chemicals and biomaterials.

How do we put these values into good, sustainable use?

BIOPROSP_23 is developed by:

